The RACI Roles explained

by Gabriella Martin

RACI roles are an important component of the RACI method. RACI is a project management method that helps to systematically clarify relationships pertaining to

  • a product or service to be delivered
  • communication and actions required
  • a person and its functional role

The RACI roles scheme defines four roles, which are implemented in the Allegra task management software: “Responsible”, “Accountable”, “Consulted”, and “Informed”. Alternative names are “Approver” or final approving authority, “consultant” or “counsel”, and “informee”.


raci roles - responsible

The “Responsible” for an item is the “doer”. He is responsible for generating the desired outcome. No one else, i.e. none of the other RACI roles will take care of it.
It is usually best if a single person is assigned to an item as responsible. Only in special cases, for example in a service center, it could be helpful to have a group as
responsible. The first available employee from the group can then assign an item to himself.


raci roles - accountable

The “Accountable” for an item, looks after it that it doesn’t get lost or stuck. For example, it could be that somebody left the team and she is still responsible for a number of items. The Accountable makes sure that these items are reassigned to somebody else.

The Accountable is responsible for the time and money that has been and could be spent on items. The Accountable needs approval authority.


raci roles - consulted

The “Consulted” for an item needs to be aware of the item and any activities pertaining to it. He may also have to give his input to achieve the desired outcome.
The consulted role involves two-way communication. It is quite common that more than one person would have to be consulted for an item.


raci roles - informed

As the least involved of any of the RACI roles, the “Informed” needs information from an item to make progress on his own items. It is quite common that a number of team members are in the informed role for an item.

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