Return on Investment with Task Management Software

by Gabriella Martin

Are you considering purchasing task management software, but you’re unsure about what your return on investment will look like?

I would briefly like to present the results of a study conducted by Professor Jörg Friedrich.  Professor Friedrich teaches computer science in Germany and is an expert in project and task management. He investigated the question of whether systematic task and process management is worthwhile from the prospectives of quality and cost. In other words, Professor Friedrich took a look at whether spending money on task management software leads to a high return on investment. This is important for any business to consider.

Study Results

Professor Friedrich’s study shows:

  • Systematic task management can save a small team (3-10 members) between 8,000 and 80,000 euros within a few weeks. That’s about 9,500 to 95,000 dollars, as of today. Imagine how that can look if you have a bigger team!
  • Teams that don’t use systematic task and process management have a significantly higher risk of delivering defective products than those who do. If you can’t keep good track of what you’re doing, there’s far more room for error.
  • Investment and implementation costs for typical task management and process management tools are insignificant in relation to potential increase in productivity.

As you can see, systemic task and process management does, indeed, lead to a high return on investment. Making the move to a task management software can seem daunting, but it pays off to take the leap.

In Conclusion: Task Management Software is Worth It!

Professor Friedrich’s study proves that implementing a task management system like Allegra leads to a quick return on investment. The study can be requested free of charge from Steinbeis, if you’re curious.

By the way, do you use Excel to do lists? If so, you can find out more about why task management software is the best alternative to them here.

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