Test Allegra immediately!

Get your own server and test 30 days free of charge

Simply fill out the form, send it, and click on the confirmation link in the confirmation email.

How does the test work?

You will get your own server, on which you can configure Allegra according to your wishes - after consultation, also together with us. You can invite up to 100 users and as many guest users as you like to collaborate. All features are unlocked so that you can evaluate the full range of functions. After 30 days, the access will expire and you can decide how you would like to proceed. If we don't hear anything further from you, we will delete your test server after 40 days.

Can I keep my configuration and data in case I subscribe after the test?

The data and configurations that you create during the test can later be completely or partially transferred to your own production instance.

Can I test On-Premises?

You can also test on servers within your own IT infrastructure (on-premises). For this, you should have sufficient know-how in your organization to set up and operate a web application with a database server. The easiest installation is in a Docker container on a Linux system. Contact us if you want to test on premises.