Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 5.2.0

by Administrator

Resource usage, REST and Excel report templates

We have just released a new version of the award-winning project management software Allegra. The following new features help you to be even more productive:

  • New workload view allows you to manage the workload of your team members
  • Import Excel to account for the task hierarchy to create complete PSP from your Excel sheets
  • Use Excel spreadsheets as report templates to easily create custom reports
  • Use the new REST interface to connect your external applications to Allegra
  • The system remembers the set theme for each of your devices (tablets, desktop)
  • Enhanced 'Add dialog a new link' with an improved item picker
  • Activate the Favorites workspace for each user
  • Add symbolic RACI roles as' To' for emails from Items
  • After logging in directly to the page last visited
  • Allow the selection of symbolic RACI roles in Workflow Actions Related to Person Fields
  • Wiki folders can now be accessed from Wiki
  • Restrict authorization to delete projects to system administrators and system managers
  • Improved combo boxes with type-ahead search in many places
  • Support for new workflow triggers 'received email' and 'sent email'
  • User-defined lists, system lists and releases are now filterable and sortable
  • Panels have been changed to field sets in the input masks to improve usability


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