Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 5.3.0

by Administrator

Resource Management, Gitlab Integration, ALM Perspective

The new version of the project management software Allegra brings you:

  • Comprehensive resource management with global and personal calendars
  • Support for periodic operations
  • New perspective for project management with Gantt and resource utilization
  • New perspective for ALM with powerful link navigator
  • Improved scrum perspective with automatic sprint generation
  • Integration with Gitlab and Git repositories
  • Integrated Git repository browser
  • CAS Single Sign-On Server with integration for Gitlab, Jenkins, Sonar and Allegra
  • Comprehensive LDAP configuration options for Multi-Server and Multi-Root Operation
  • Local Filtering Options in the Task Navigator
  • Enhanced Themes

Upgrades require a new license key.



The new version of the project management software Allegra brings you:

  • Comprehensive resource management with global and personal calendars
  • Support for periodic operations
  • New perspective for project management with Gantt and resource utilization
  • New perspective for ALM with powerful link navigator
  • Improved scrum perspective with automatic sprint generation
  • Integration with Gitlab and Git repositories
  • Integrated Git repository browser
  • CAS Single Sign-On Server with integration for Gitlab, Jenkins, Sonar and Allegra
  • Comprehensive LDAP configuration options for Multi-Server and Multi-Root Operation
  • Local Filtering Options in the Task Navigator
  • Enhanced Themes

Upgrades require a new license key.


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