Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 5.4.0

by Administrator

Wiki improvements, usability, Gantt and Scrum enhancements

The new version of the Allegra project management software brings you:

  • Much improved Gantt and resource planning
  • Like button and counter for comments
  • The Wiki now offers a language selection
  • The Wiki now supports mathematical formulas
  • Wildcards can now also be used at the beginning of a search expression
  • Support for recurring tasks
  • Improved behavior of date fields when creating an operation
  • Improved behavior when creating a task via email
  • The burn-down chart now interprets the story points as integers
  • Wiki articles can be shared and links to Wiki articles can be copied
  • In the Wiki, the document status, including all sections, can be changed globally
  • Language selection in spell checking possible
  • The full-text search now has its own history
  • When copying lists, the translated entries are now also copied
  • Newly created states are no longer assigned to all transaction types
  • The editor window width in the Wiki is now customizable
  • Incoming emails can be filtered or modified, eg removal of logos
  • The handling of the layouts in the task navigator has been improved
  • New theme Allegro
  • The cockpit setup has been improved
  • Field type time and date-time
  • Multiple LDAP servers are supported
  • Naming of agile board templates possible
  • Improved sprint generation

Upgrades from the previous release 5.3.x do not require a new license key.


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