Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 6.1.0

by Gabriella Martin

More KPI support and service desk improvements

The new version of the project management software Allegra brings you:

  • Measurements for throughput times
  • Improved wiki performance on very large documents
  • Safe handling of parallel work on a wiki document
  • Different representation of linked operations in the wiki for export and live view
  • Greatly improved comment handling, especially for help desk applications
  • In-app notification when responding to comments
  • Improved future-proof REST API
  • Expandable multi-select field
  • Support for Java 8 to 11
  • Improved handling when sending e-mails
  • Improved selection of parent and child operations in the task navigator
  • Different default avatars for clients and regular users
  • Avatars are now also shown in the user picker

Please note: We have changed the URLs of the REST API to make it more logical and future-proof. You therefore need to customize your existing applications. Essentially, a version number has been added to the URL (instead of "rest/auth/login" now "/rest/v1/auth/login").

For upgrades from version 6.0, you do not need a new license key.


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