Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 7.3.0

by Anita Coltuneac

New integrations, reworked Rest API documentation

This new release of Allegra project management software comes with:

New features:

  • Completely reworked Rest API documentation which permits testing live each Rest endpoint.
  • Exporting single and multiple items to PDF by HTML export template.
  • Importing a list of client/full users based on an Excel template.
  • Importing custom lists (simple or cascading) from Excel based on column mapping.
  • Item reminders: improved/extended (new reminder period types, notify RACI roles or persons, possibility to filter by item reminders and item recurrence).
  • Possibility to send manually user welcome email.
  • Specific e-mail template for item comment notification.
  • User attributes mass edition.
  • Exporting chart-based cockpits to PDF/PNG.
  • Exporting Cockpit screen to PDF (The chart-based tiles are supported).
  • New field type Person Meta Field. Supported fields: Responsible, Author, Manager, and all person picker fields. Supported attributes: name, first name, last name, phone, company, E-mail address, and Employee ID. All these fields are searchable in filters.
  • Filtering possibility by expense date.
  • Set CC as watchers.
  • Drag and drop tickets to different workspaces
  • Item dialog: Workspace breadcrumb in the dialog title.
  • Go to item’s workspace: in the Item navigator by selecting this from an item’s context menu it jumps to the selected item’s workspace.
  • Compile all scripts at once in order to check easily with one click which script is not compiling.
  • Text templates are available in Wiki
  • Enforce disabled status on items/wiki documents.
  • Workflow activity for rich text fields extended: possibility to add values from text templates.
  • Workflow "do" activity plugged in (no need for self-hooks).
  • Two dimensional statistic extended with possibility to choose cascading select lists (either full or only up to a certain level).
  • Workflow extended: guards by list attributes, workday based workflow triggers, new date setters.


Service Desk:

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Possibility to make the company name and phone number required via the configuration file.
  • Conditional fields.
  • Table view for tickets.
  • Export all tickets to excel.
  • New field types: Integer field and Combo-Select, rich text tag.
  • Date validation can now be used.
  • Number validation can now be used.
  • Possibility to have print button based on item type and workspace.
  • A timeline based on a workflow can now be used to visualise progress on a ticket.

There are also numerous minor improvements and bug fixes.

We are grateful for feedback!

When upgrading from the previous version 7.1 or 7.2 you do not need a new license key.


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