Allegra Release Notes

Release Notes for Allegra Release 7.4.0

by Gabriella Martin

Improved resource management and more enhancements

A short tutorial video about the Item templates:


There are also numerous minor improvements and bug fixes:

  1. Version control integration improvements: supporting GitLab browser, multiple branches.
  2. Loading the HTML template branding from central location.
  3. New Rest API endpoints.
  4. Improvements for MS. Azure integrations.
  5. Add client watcher by e-mail.
  6. Recurrence, reminder as item navigator column.
  7. Prevent editing certain fields user profile.
  8. Configurable user levels on LDAP sync.
  9. Shared releases.

We are grateful for feedback!

When upgrading from the previous version 7.2 or 7.3 you do not need a new license key.


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