Time Management Methods & Tips for More Productivity

by Administrator


What is Time Management?

Every person brings a budget of time with them when they come into the world, which they consume throughout their life. Some expenditures are forced upon them, while others they willingly make. The interesting part is that no one knows how much time they have left.

Time management deals with the art of allocating one's time as profitably as possible. What constitutes a profit is determined by each individual. Time management helps people use their time as efficiently as possible. Using suitable methods and techniques, productivity and efficiency should be increased, and unhealthy stress avoided.

In this article, we primarily focus on personal time management or self-management. Additionally, there are time management activities within the framework of project management, which we will only briefly touch upon here.

Time management is an art. Like any other art, three factors are necessary to master it:

  • Knowledge of methods and techniques
  • Self-discipline for regular practice
  • Talent

We will not further address the last point here, although it plays a significant role. The talent for time management and organization is not evenly distributed, and its distribution is beyond our control. Lack of talent can only be partially compensated for by attending seminars or reading books and articles.

How do you profit from Time Management?

Time management helps you and your team to do significantly more in the available time and to focus on more important tasks. The main benefits are:

  • Increased productivity thanks to more efficient work organization, greater focus on the most important tasks, and optimal use of available time and energy.
  • Reduced stress because you proceed with a plan and reduce rush and deadline pressure with reasonable time budgets.
  • Improved work quality since it is easier to avoid mistakes and pay attention to details when you are not constantly in a hurry. "There wasn't enough time to do it right the first time, but we had time to do it over again."
  • Better forecasts due to regular engagement in task estimation, which improves your reliability and increases your chances of success.
  • Enhanced self-confidence because when you meet deadlines and achieve your goals, you feel more confident and successful.
  • Clear boundaries between work and personal life help find time to "sharpen the saw." You need periods of rest and defocusing to stay creative and mentally strong.

11 Techniques for a better Time Management

There are a number of time management techniques, some of which are supported by corresponding methods. Below are the key concepts and techniques.

1. Collecting, Organizing, and Prioritizing

Every day we deal with activities triggered by our own thoughts or through one of the many communication channels. Reacting without a system often requires frequent context switching, jumping from one task to the next as they come in. This is not very effective.

It has proven beneficial to periodically collect, organize, and then prioritize all activities. For collecting and organizing, the Getting Things Done (GTD) method is useful. For prioritizing, the Eisenhower Matrix, the Pareto Principle, the ABC method, and the ALPEN method are particularly suitable.

According to the GTD method, you first collect all incoming activities in a personal inbox. This "inbox" can be managed electronically, for example, in a task management software. The content of this inbox is regularly analyzed and classified into one of three categories: "actionable", "not actionable", and "planned".

You address actionable activities at the next possible opportunity. Non-actionable activities are acknowledged and possibly filed away. Planned activities require time for planning and can, for example, be part of a project plan or a Scrum product backlog.

You can categorize all activities using the Eisenhower Principle, prioritizing tasks so that you focus first on what is urgent and important, and avoid what is neither urgent nor important.

2. Structuring and Planning

Larger tasks or activities cannot be managed ad hoc and require planning. It is helpful to break down larger tasks into smaller activities until only tasks of a reporting interval, such as a day or a week, remain. This way, you are not overwhelmed by the scope of a task but work through the sub-tasks in an orderly manner, one after the other. For structuring and planning, you can use calendars, ticket systems, or project management software.

3. Setting Time Blocks

It has proven useful to group similar tasks and work on them in one go without interruption. Dedicate fixed time periods for specific types of tasks. This can help minimize distractions and focus on the current task. Useful methods for this are Time Blocking, Time Boxing, and the Pomodoro Technique.

4. Setting Goals

Setting goals is a crucial tool for personal and professional progress. Goals provide direction, motivation, and a clear focus on what should be achieved. But how do you set effective goals, and why is it so important?

Why Set Goals?

  1. Direction and Focus: Goals provide a clear idea of where you want to go and what steps are necessary to get there.
  2. Motivation: Knowing the "why" behind a goal can serve as a driving force, especially in difficult times.
  3. Measurability: By setting clear goals, you can monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Self-Confidence: Achieving set goals boosts self-confidence and belief in your abilities.

How to Set Effective Goals?

  1. SMART Principle: A widely used approach to setting goals is the SMART Principle. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  2. Writing Down: Studies have shown that written goals are more likely to be achieved.
  3. Defining Sub-Goals: Large goals can be broken down into smaller, manageable steps or sub-goals. This makes the overall goal less overwhelming and easier to progress.
  4. Visualization: Mentally "seeing" the achieved goal can serve as motivation and strengthen the desire to achieve it.
  5. Regular Review: It is important to regularly review goals and adjust them if necessary. Life is dynamic, and flexibility in goals may be necessary.

5. Delegation: Power Through Letting Go

Whether in a company, a project team, or even in family life – effective delegation is key to success. Why should you delegate tasks? And how can you do it correctly?

Why Delegation is Important

  1. Time Efficiency: No one can do everything alone. Delegating tasks allows you to accomplish more in less time and focus on the really important things.
  2. Utilizing Strengths: Everyone has their strengths. By delegating tasks to those who excel in certain areas, the outcome is often of higher quality.
  3. Team Development: When team members are given responsibility, they often rise to the occasion, acquire new skills, and feel valued.

Why Do People Avoid Delegating?

  1. Fear of Losing Control: Many fear that delegated tasks will not be completed to the desired quality.
  2. Micromanagement: Even after delegating, some find it hard to let go. Constant interference can be demotivating and counterproductive to the delegation process.
  3. Unclear Communication: If expectations and instructions are not clearly communicated, this can lead to misunderstandings.

Delegation in 5 Steps

  1. Select the Right Task: Not every task is suitable for delegation. It is important to strategically consider which activities can be handed off.
  2. Choose the Right Person: Consider who has the necessary skills and knowledge for the task.
  3. Set Clear Expectations: Ensure that the person understands exactly what to do, what results are expected, and what deadlines apply.
  4. Offer Support: Provide resources and training, and be available for questions.
  5. Provide Feedback: After completing the task, give feedback, both positive and constructive.

6. Avoiding Perfectionism: Good Enough is Often Better

Perfectionism in the workplace can lead to burnout, stress, and inefficient work practices. While striving for excellence is commendable, excessive perfectionism can be counterproductive. How can you find the right balance, and why is it important to avoid perfectionism?

The Pitfalls of Perfectionism

  1. Time Consumption: Perfectionists tend to invest excessive time in tasks that could be satisfactorily completed with less effort.
  2. Fear of Mistakes: The fear of making mistakes can be paralyzing and prevent innovative approaches.
  3. Stress and Burnout: Constantly striving for perfection can lead to excessive stress and ultimately burnout.
  4. Team Dynamics: Unrealistic expectations can lead to tension within the team and hinder collaboration.

Tips to Avoid Perfectionism

  1. Set Priorities: Consider which tasks truly need to be perfect and which can simply be done well.
  2. Set Limits: Determine in advance how much time you want to spend on a task and stick to it.
  3. See Mistakes as Learning Opportunities: Every mistake is a chance to learn and grow. Instead of focusing on the mistake, ask what you can learn from it.
  4. Seek Feedback: Sometimes we need another's perspective to recognize that our work is already of high quality.
  5. Practice Healthy Work Habits: Take regular breaks, practice mindfulness or meditation, and engage in physical activity to reduce stress.
  6. Self-Reflection: Question where your perfectionism comes from. Is it an inner drive or external pressure? Understanding the causes can help manage perfectionism better.

Good Enough vs. Sloppiness

Avoiding perfectionism does not mean working sloppily. It is about finding the right balance between quality and efficiency. In many cases, "good enough" can actually be better than perfect, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines, maintaining workflow, or simply staying mentally healthy.

7. Filtering Out Distractions

In our modern, connected world, distractions are ubiquitous. Every notification, new email, and sudden noise can disrupt our concentration. Filtering out distractions is essential for productive work and meeting deadlines. But how can you focus in a distraction-rich environment?

The Consequences of Distractions

Before addressing how to minimize distractions, we should understand why they can be so harmful:

  1. Interrupting the Workflow: A quick glance at your smartphone can cause you to lose valuable minutes or even hours before finding your "flow" again.
  2. Mental Exhaustion: Constantly switching between tasks can be mentally tiring and reduce cognitive performance.
  3. Quality Loss: Distractions can impair the quality of work and lead to mistakes.

Strategies to Filter Out Distractions

  1. Optimize Your Work Environment: Ensure a quiet, tidy workspace. If possible, choose a place where you are protected from unwanted interruptions.
  2. Manage Communication: Turn off non-urgent notifications, keep your smartphone out of reach, or use apps that block distractions.
  3. Set Fixed Times for Breaks: Plan regular breaks where you consciously allow distractions. This can help reduce the urge to get distracted during work time.
  4. Set Priorities: Create a clear list of tasks and focus on the most important and urgent ones first.
  5. Time Blocks: Use the Time Blocking technique, where you reserve fixed times for specific tasks. This creates structure and limits the possibility for distractions.
  6. Set Boundaries: Inform colleagues, family members, or housemates about your working hours and ask them to respect these periods.

8. Don't Forget Breaks

Working with a dull saw because you don't find time to sharpen it is foolish. Keeping a bow constantly under tension will cause it to lose its tension. Sharpening our "saw", relaxing the bow means giving body and mind phases of recovery.

Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, letting go of work, and redirecting your thoughts to something else does not mean being unproductive with your time. On the contrary, having a sharp saw makes you significantly more productive overall. The Pomodoro Technique has proven very effective in this regard. Even short breaks during work can increase productivity and prevent burnout.

9. Avoid Procrastination

Many people postpone a mountain of unpleasant tasks. This eventually leads to stress. To counteract this, you can, for example, generally tackle such tasks at the start of the day. Self-reflection can also be helpful to understand why you tend to procrastinate on certain tasks. Many of the time management techniques discussed here help reduce procrastination.

10. Minimize Multitasking

People can perform simple, automated tasks simultaneously, such as walking and talking. However, when it comes to more complex cognitive tasks, like reading an article and listening to a podcast, it becomes difficult to do both effectively at the same time.

What people often refer to as multitasking is actually rapid switching between tasks, also known as "task-switching". Each time we switch tasks, there is a "switching cost" which, even if it is just fractions of a second, can lead to less efficient work over time. Therefore, in most cases, it is beneficial to focus on one thing at a time and filter out distractions.

11. Create Routines: The Power of Habit

Routines give your day a clear structure. This helps set priorities and ensures that important tasks are regularly completed. By performing certain activities routinely, you reduce the number of decisions you need to make daily. This saves mental energy and minimizes decision fatigue. When you regularly perform a task, it becomes a habit and requires less conscious effort. This allows you to reserve cognitive resources for more complex tasks. Routines provide a certain predictability in everyday life. This can strengthen the sense of control and contribute to mental stability.

8 Time Management Methods for more Productivity

1. Time Blocking

Time Blocking involves dividing each day into defined time blocks. Instead of responding to emails scattered throughout the day, for example, we set a time block, say from 8:00 to 8:30 AM, to clear our inbox and reply to messages. Once our inbox is empty, we move on to the next task.

A key element of Time Blocking is setting time blocks for "Deep Work," meaning focused work on a specific type of task. New tasks are categorized and assigned to the next available time block designated for that type of work. This helps avoid unproductive multitasking and prevents interruptions from dictating our day.

2. Time Boxing

Time Boxing means scheduling a dedicated time block for each task or activity in your calendar. During this time block, you focus exclusively on that task and strive to complete it within the allocated time frame.

The idea behind Time Boxing is that a time limit forces you to focus better and work more productively. By setting a clear time limit, you push yourself to concentrate on the essentials and minimize distractions. It also helps reduce procrastination, as you become aware of the available time and are motivated to complete the task within that period.

3. Eisenhower Matrix

According to the Eisenhower Principle, we distinguish between the importance and urgency of a task. The combination of importance and urgency determines the priority. The Eisenhower Matrix categorizes tasks into four priorities:

  • Important and urgent
  • Important but not urgent
  • Not important but urgent
  • Neither important nor urgent

We need to address urgent matters promptly, but sometimes they are completely unimportant.

Important tasks are usually important because their outcomes matter. Prioritizing tasks by importance always has to do with outcomes.

We tend to postpone important things if they are not also urgent. While we react almost automatically to urgent tasks, we need to proactively tackle important but not urgent tasks. This requires some practice and a certain mindset.

Quadrant 1 of the Eisenhower Principle describes what is both important and urgent. These are often “crises” or “problems.” One should not have too many of these.

Quadrant 3 gives people the feeling that they are dealing with important matters. Here, it is often the expectation of others that something needs to be done quickly that gives an issue an appearance of importance. Through an imposed urgency, seemingly important tasks emerge from unimportant ones, even though the outcome may have little or no significance.

Not important but urgent is chatting with a colleague who has just come into the office to spread the latest news.

Neither important nor urgent is organizing your stamp collection right now.

The application of the Eisenhower Principle is an elegant, simple means of setting priorities. It is only not always successful in practice because we prefer to deal with things we enjoy.

4. Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The name "Pomodoro" is the Italian word for "tomato," inspired by the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a student to practice this method.

The basic concept of the Pomodoro Technique is quite simple and is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.

How the Pomodoro Technique Works

  • Select a task: Start with a specific task or group of tasks you want to accomplish.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes: These 25-minute intervals are called "Pomodoros."
  • Work on the task: Focus on the chosen task until the timer rings. During this time, you should fully concentrate on the task and avoid any distractions.
  • Take a short break: When the 25 minutes are up, take a 5-minute break. This gives you the opportunity to relax and mentally prepare for the next Pomodoro.
  • Repeat: After your break, set the timer again for 25 minutes and continue working on your task or start a new one.
  • Longer breaks: After completing four Pomodoros (a total of 100 minutes of work), take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This helps you recover and maintain sustainable concentration over longer periods.

Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique in Time Management

  1. Focus: The method forces you to concentrate on one task and minimize distractions.
  2. Regular breaks: Regular breaks can help reduce mental fatigue and maintain concentration over longer periods.
  3. Structuring the workday: The technique provides a clear structure that promotes a sense of progress and control.
  4. Reduction of procrastination: Knowing that only 25 minutes of intense work lie ahead can lower the hurdle to start a task.
  5. Time tracking: It can also be a useful tool to determine how much time you actually spend on different tasks.

Many people find the Pomodoro Technique useful for increasing their productivity and making their work more efficient. However, it is important to note that not every method is ideal for everyone. Some people prefer longer work intervals or different break times. It is worth experimenting with different approaches to find out what works best for you.

5. Getting Things Done

"Getting Things Done" (GTD) is a time management and productivity method introduced by David Allen in his book "Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity." The method focuses on organizing tasks, ideas, and commitments into a reliable system, so the mind is free from distractions and can fully concentrate on the task at hand.

The GTD system is based on the concept that relying on memory to keep track of all information and tasks inevitably leads to stress. GTD proposes transferring all this information into an external system.

Here are the five core steps of the GTD method:

  1. Capture: Write down everything that requires your attention. This can be a task, an idea, an appointment, or anything else. The goal is to get everything out of your head and into one place, whether it is a notebook, an app, or a task management software.
  2. Clarify: Review the captured items and decide what action is required. If no action is required, archive the information, delegate it, or discard it. If an action is required, define the next step.
  3. Organize: Assign the captured and clarified tasks and information to the appropriate places. This can be to-do lists, calendars, specific folders, or other systems. David Allen recommends various lists, such as a project list, a waiting list (for delegated tasks), and a list for future tasks.
  4. Reflect: Regularly review and update your GTD system. A weekly review, where you go through your lists and ensure everything is current and that you are setting the right priorities, is a central part of the method.
  5. Engage: Execute the actions defined in your lists with a clear focus and without distraction.

Some benefits of GTD are:

  • Reduced stress: By capturing and organizing all tasks in an external system, GTD reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Clear focus: Regular reflection and review ensure that you are focusing on the right things.
  • Flexibility: GTD can be implemented with various tools and in different environments, whether with pen and paper or digital tools.

GTD initially requires an adjustment period and discipline to develop the habit of regularly reviewing and capturing tasks. However, many people who consistently apply the system report a significant increase in their productivity and a reduction in their stress levels.

6. Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, was named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Originally, Pareto noticed that about 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. This principle was later applied to many other areas, including time management.

In the context of time management, the Pareto Principle states:

80% of the results come from 20% of the efforts.

In other words: A large portion of the results we achieve in work or life comes from a relatively small part of our efforts. This implies that many activities we perform do not necessarily have the greatest impact on our desired results.

Here are some applications of the Pareto Principle in time management:

  1. Prioritizing tasks: Identify the 20% of tasks that will deliver 80% of the desired results and focus on these first.
  2. Increasing efficiency: Recognize the activities that have the greatest impact on your work or project and invest more time and resources in these, while reducing or eliminating less productive activities.
  3. Problem analysis: When problems occur in a project or process, often 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the causes. By focusing on these main causes, problems can be solved more efficiently.
  4. Customer management: In many businesses, 20% of customers generate 80% of the revenue. By recognizing and nurturing these key customer relationships, businesses can grow.
  5. Personal development: Consider which 20% of skills or knowledge will bring 80% of the desired progress in your career or personal life. Focus on growing in these areas.

It is important to emphasize that the numbers 80 and 20 do not always match exactly and are more of a metaphorical ratio. The essence of the Pareto Principle is the concept that there is often an imbalance between effort and result. Understanding this principle can help us use our time and resources optimally.


SMART is an acronym used to define goals in a clearer, more measurable, and realistic way. A SMART goal should meet the following criteria:

  1. S – Specific: The goal should be as precise as possible. Instead of "I want to lose weight," a specific goal could be: "I want to lose 5 kilograms."
  2. M – Measurable: The goal should be defined in a way that allows for measurement or assessment of progress. For the above goal, measurability could be achieved through regular weight checks.
  3. A – Achievable: The goal should be realistic and achievable, considering available resources and constraints. A goal to lose 20 kilograms in one month would likely not be achievable and could even be harmful to health.
  4. R – Relevant: The goal should be important and meaningful to the individual or team. If you have no interest in running marathons, it would not be relevant to set a goal to run a marathon.
  5. T – Time-bound: The goal should have a clear timeframe or end date. "I want to lose 5 kilograms in the next 3 months" gives a clear timeframe within which the goal should be achieved.

Applying the SMART criteria to goal setting can help turn vague or unclear goals into concrete, action-oriented, and verifiable goals. When goals are defined in this way, they are more likely to be achieved because they are clearly communicated and progress can be more easily tracked. This, in turn, can increase motivation and improve time management, as you know exactly what you want to achieve and by when.

8. Kanban

Kanban is a method for visualizing workflows and processes, originating from the Japanese Toyota factories of the 1940s. The word "Kanban" comes from Japanese and literally means "sign" or "board." In today's work environment, the Kanban method is often used with cards (physical or digital) on a board to show the progress of tasks through different phases of a process.

The core principles of Kanban are:

  1. Visualize the workflow: All tasks are represented on cards and placed on a Kanban board. This board is divided into several columns representing the different stages or phases of the work process, usually at least "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done."
  2. Limit work in progress: To avoid bottlenecks and increase efficiency, the number of tasks that can be worked on simultaneously in a phase is often limited. This is known as the Work-in-Progress (WIP) limit.
  3. Flow of work: The goal is to make the work flow as smoothly as possible through the process. By limiting simultaneous work and regularly reviewing the board, bottlenecks and delays can be quickly identified and addressed.
  4. Continuous improvement: Teams using Kanban should regularly review their work process and look for ways to optimize and improve it.

Benefits of Kanban:

  1. Transparency: All team members can see the current status of a task and the overall work process at a glance.
  2. Flexibility: Unlike other methods that organize work in fixed cycles (such as Scrum sprints), Kanban allows for flexible handling of tasks as new tasks can be added at any time.
  3. Focus: By limiting simultaneous work, team members can better focus on their current tasks and are less affected by multitasking or constant task switching.
  4. Faster problem detection: Bottlenecks, blockages, or inefficiencies become quickly visible through the visual nature of the Kanban board and can be addressed.

Kanban is now used not only in manufacturing but also especially in software development and IT project management. There are also many digital tools that offer virtual Kanban boards, such as Allegra, Jira, Trello, and many others.


Time management is one of the keys to achieving better work results, fostering professional growth, and leading a more fulfilling and happier life. This practice helps manage the chaos of modern life with ease, even if it requires some commitment to understand how time management works and how to implement it correctly.

For more information on project management tips, check out our Allegra blog posts. Contact an Allegra consultant to get software tools that can help you manage your time and tasks.

Christoph Friedrich

CEO Alltena GmbH
Christoph Friedrich has a degree in computer science and is a certified Project Management Professional. He has considerable experience with the introduction and integration of project management tools as well as in the analysis and definition of processes in project and service management.

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